Bs Computer Science Subjects in Pakistan

  • Introduction to Computer Science – I
  • Mathematics – I (Calculus)
  • Statistics and Data Analysis
  • Physics – I (General Physics)
  • English
  • Islamic Learning or Ethics
  • Pakistan Studies
  • Introduction to Computer Science – II
  • Mathematics – II (Differential Equations)
  • Probability and Statistical Methods
  • Physics – II (Electricity and Magnetism)
  • English
  • Urdu/Humanities
  • Digital Computer Design Fundamentals
  • Assembly Language Programming
  • Mathematics – III (Linear Algebra & Analytical Geometry)
  • Materials, Semiconductors and Devices
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Expert Systems
  • Data Structures
  • System Design with Microprocessors
  • Mathematics – IV (Numerical Computing)
  • Electronics
  • Software Engineering and Project Management
  • Communication Skills and Report Writing
  • Theory of Computer Science
  • Data Communication and Networking – I
  • Stochastic Processes and Inference (Optional)
  • Business Programming Language (Optional)
  • Operations Research – I (Optional)
  • Database Systems
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Advanced Numerical Analysis (Optional)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • System Analysis & Design (Optional)
  • Concepts of Operating Systems
  • Compiler Construction – I
  • Modeling and Simulation (Optional)
  • Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (Optional)
  • Operations Research – II (Optional)
  • Microcomputer Design & Interfacing-I (Optional)
  • Data Communication and Networking – II
  • Computer Graphics
  • Advanced Software Engineering
  • Theory of Operating Systems
  • Compiler Construction – II
  • Advanced Computer Graphics (Optional)
  • Financial Accounting
  • Microcomputer Design & Interfacing-II (Optional)
  • Parallel Computing (Optional)
  • Management Information System
  • Topics of Current/Special Interest. Introduction to Machine and recent trends in Software Development. (Optional)
  • VLSI Design Techniques (Optional)
  • Network Security and Cryptography (Optional)
  • Internet Application Development (Optional)
  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining (Optional)
  • Human Computer Interaction (Optional)
  • Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic (Optional)
  • Operating System Case Study (Optional)
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Distributed Database Systems
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Financial Management
  • Multimedia Systems (Optional)
  • Computational Linear Algebra (Optional)
  • Wireless Communication (Optional)
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