A university is a place that has a key role in the professional career and future of any student. A lot of competition has been started between students to get into the best university but we all know that a good university is a guarantee of the good study practice. A student has to go through a process of aptitude tests and interviews to enter into a university of his/her choice. Studying in a good university will help the student excel in his career and get better job options in the future. Here is a list of top government universities in Karachi to help the students opt for the best one. These top universities have given birth to many highly qualified professionals, doctors, engineers, and, even leaders.


Here Is A List Of The Top Government Universities In Karachi

  1. University Of Karachi
  2. DOW University Of Health Science
  3. NED University Of Engineering A Technology
  4. Jinnah Sindh Medical University
  5. DAWOOD University Of Engineering And Technology


Having a student body of 24,000 and the biggest number of faculty members, the University of Karachi (KU) is the largest in Pakistan. Classes of B.S., M.S., M.Phil. and Ph.D. are conducted on the campus under five faculties i.e. Arts, Science, Pharmacy, Management and Administrative Science and Islamic Learning. It also examines the students admitted to their affiliated colleges under the Faculties of Medicine, law, and Education.


DUHS is a premier institute offering undergraduate education of BDS and MBBS, with a major emphasis in the medical, public health, biomedical sciences, business management, and, allied health sciences programs. The university also offers doctoral and post-graduate programs in almost all academic disciplines, including clinical diplomas, Masters/MS/M.Phil and Ph.D. programs.



NED University is Pakistan’s oldest engineering institute. Despite being an old university, it has all the engineering facilities and state-of-the-art infrastructure. The university is organized into six faculties i.e. Faculty of Civil and Petroleum Engineering (CPE), Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME), Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Faculty of Information Sciences and Humanities (ISH), Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering (CPE), and, Faculty of Architecture and Management Sciences (AMS).



JSMU is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large metropolis of Karachi. Being the largest medical university of Sindh, it provides modern education with values of service and compassion. It has several institutes including Sindh Medical College, Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, APPNA Institute of Public Health, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Health & Business Management and Social Sciences, Institute of Nursing, Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, and, Institute of Family Medicine.


DUET is regarded as one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in engineering in Pakistan and a pioneer in the fields of chemical, electronics, metallurgical, petroleum, and industrial engineering degrees. It offers multiple bachelor’s, master’s, and, doctoral programs. The university aims to invest in human capital for accelerated advancement in engineering knowledge and practices, new frontiers in R&D hence creating a knowledge-led economy and better future for generations to come.


The list does not end here. Many other options fall in the category of top government universities in Karachi. A home tutor in Karachi can also help the students prepare for the aptitude tests and interviews if they are residing in Lahore. A student must keep in mind all the options. In case, you don’t get admission to your desired university, remember that there is always a plan “B”.


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