Physics A-Level past papers
Past papers are an important self-study aspect of the Cambridge education system. These enable students to assess their aptitude and analyze the weak areas before they are to take the actual exams. Since the Cambridge system is based on topics and a collection of recommended books rather than preparing from a particular book it is important for a candidate to be going through the Physics A level past paper and know what topics they are missing from the book at hand.
There is absolutely no guarantee that the questions in the past paper will be repeated (at high school level it might but not in the official exam) but it will give you an understanding of what you should be covering because more often than not there will be questions relating to concepts which you haven’t been taught or covered.
You may be familiar with the terms being used in the class during lectures but it is also a good step to familiarize yourself with the structure of the paper before exam day. Physics A-Level past paper is surely going to help you a lot in your journey towards expertise.
The benefits of doing past papers make you able to decide how much time you have to allocate to each section of the paper. Marking schemes makes you able to structure your responses as per the criteria; this saves time in a big way.
Once you have done a particular year or a topic from a past paper, you can assess yourself and see where you stand. In the beginning, it will be hard, you will be scoring low, most of the time the questions will seem confusing but that is to be expected, doing a Physics A-Level past paper is no joke at all. It is meant to be tough and this is why it is important you do it.
Physics A-Level past paper is available here.
A Level Past Papers
2021 A Level Physics Past Papers March |
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