How to improve the education system in Pakistan?

How to improve the education system in Pakistan? The education system in Pakistan suffers from a lot of issues. One of the biggest challenges is how to improve the quality of education in public [...]

Why education is important?

Why education is important? Education is important. This may seem like a silly statement to many of us, but the unfortunate reality is that education really is under attack (in several forms). [...]

What is the philosophy of education?

What is the philosophy of education? Education is that process in which you impart knowledge and skills to your children, so that they may make their mark on the world. The philosophy of [...]

Difference between Syllabus and Curriculum

Difference between Syllabus and Curriculum Syllabus and curriculum are two different words that are used interchangeably to mean the same thing. The two words have similar meanings, but they [...]

Biotechnology scope in Pakistan

Biotechnology scope in Pakistan A Brief Introduction Biotechnology is the application of scientific knowledge, techniques, and processes to the fields of medicine, healthcare, agriculture, and [...]

Microbiology scope in Pakistan

Microbiology scope in Pakistan A Microbiologist is a scientist who studies the microscopic organisms that exist in all environments, including human and animal bodies. They study the effects of [...]

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